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make uone’s mind to do
下决心去做 下决心做  detail>>
make uone’t mind to
决心做  detail>>
make ud my mind
下定决心  detail>>
make uones mind
下定决心,打定主意  detail>>
make up your mind
干脆点 做个决定吧 作个决定吧  detail>>
make sth appear as a picture in the mind
使某事物浮现于脑际  detail>>
thirty minutes, to make umy mind
三十分钟能够确认我的心意  detail>>
to make you change your mind
让你改变你的想法  detail>>
but still you got to make up your mind
但是 你还是要做出决定  detail>>
but still you gotta make up your mind
但你还是要做出决定  detail>>
when you gonna make up your mind
你什么时候才能下定决心?  detail>>
when you gonna make uyour mind
你什么时候才能下定决心  detail>>
uone level
往上一层  detail>>
he says when you gonna make uyour mind
你什么时候才能下定决心  detail>>
you know you got to make up your mind
该是你下定决心的时候了 你就应该下定决心 你明白你要做个决定  detail>>
be of a mind
意见一致  detail>>
in mind
心里想着某人或某事  detail>>
 n.  1.心,精神 (opp. body); 心力,知,智力,智慧 (opp. heart)。 2.愿望,目的;意向,意志,决心;见解,意见。 3...  detail>>